My passion
is just Beauceron
Everything in my life revolves around four paws and a wagging tail. These are daily walks, games, training, examinations, exhibitions, preparations for competitions and actually taking part in competitions.
However, all the shared successes are, above all, their successes and an expression of incredible perseverance, intelligence, loyalty and love for man.

“In life, nothing happens without a reason. If you do something, do it one hundred percent, because only then does it make sense. "
Joanne Beauceron
And if you do something one hundred percent you are doomed to success, and so starting from show successes at the National, Club and International level, through Best Baby, Best Puppy, Polish Junior Champions, and ending with the Grand Champions of Poland and Club Winners, my dogs shine in the rings, show their intelligence at the exams conducted by the Kennel Club in Poland, often receiving the highest positions, after all, the valuable title of the Polish Selection so far awarded to the only French Shepherd in Poland belongs to my beloved bitch Jasira, and ending with the sports successes of individual and team sports with Wataha Beaucerona on Dogtrekking and Hard Dog Race, however success is not the key to happiness, it is happiness that is the key to success.

About the breed
The French Beauceron Shepherd Dog is an extremely intelligent, multi-purpose working dog, willingly cooperating with humans.
It has a territorial, defensive and pastoral instinct. It is an active companion of the athlete, an excellent watchman and protector, a tireless tracker-rescuer, a patrol dog and a loving companion. Beaucerons belong to the group of Western European Shepherds. The first records of an old French shepherd dog, which was used for hunting bears and wild boars, can be found in the 14th-century "Book of the Hunt" by Count Gaston Phoebus. In the 18th century French literature he was referred to as "Matin" (the equivalent of the Polish "Britan"), which means the dog guarding the herd and the farmyard. The name of the breed refers to the use of Beauceron. It is a herding dog, capable of covering 80 km a day, a protector of the herd, capable of catching up and killing a wolf. Beauceron is also perfect as a tracker and rescuer. His subtle sense of smell, patience and commitment enable effective work in any terrain. In France, he plays the role of a military dog.
Beauceron has inherited distrust, territorial instinct and aggression from his ancestors, but these traits can be both developed and suppressed. Moreover, they can complement each other. With the right upbringing, you will gain a friend, a watchful guardian and an effective protector.